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What to Know About Your Roof as a Homeowner

Meanwhile the roofing industry is huge and growing. With so many roofing contractors vying for your business, it can be overwhelming to find a reputable contractor. Specifically one who will meet your needs and budget requirements while giving you an accurate roofing estimate.

The roofing industry is huge and growing.

Surprisingly there are over 1 million roofing contractors in the US, and the US roofing industry is worth over $30 billion. While residential roof lifespan is about 20 years; however, some materials can last longer than that depending on how they’re installed.

Since roofers work on some of the most dangerous job sites they’re often exposed to heights while working with shingles or metal.

Hiring a roofer can be overwhelming.

Occasionally  hiring a roofer, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. There are so many options and so many different types of roofs out there! 

That’s why it’s important for homeowners who need new roofs installed in their homes to hire only reputable roofing companies. Finding a good reputations among previous customers. Sunrise Remodelers has been in business over 30 year and we are trusted.

If you want an accurate price, you need to get accurate measurements.

While you’re getting a quote for your roof, it’s important to get accurate measurements. You can do this by hand or use aerial technology.

Measure the pitch, rise and slope of your roof. The pitch is how steeply the roof slopes from its lowest point to its highest point.

 (i.e., if there were a straight line from one end of your house to another).

Therefore the slope is defined as 1/12th of an inch per foot; therefore if you have a 10-degree angle with 8 feet total run length then this would equate out to 2 inches per foot (or 20 inches total).

You want to measure square footage this includes: number of valleys/hips/dormers; type of shingles used on each section

There are two measuring methods.

First when you’re measuring your roof, there are two ways to go about it: by hand or with a tool. While both methods can be effective at determining the size of your home’s roof..

First method is called “by hand.” This involves taking measurements from one wall of your house and then multiplying them out for all four sides. Second if the length along one side measures 25 feet and then adding up all four sides’ lengths gives us 100 feet total.

Roofers can use aerial roof measurement technology during the estimate process.

Rather roofers can use aerial roof measurement technology during the estimate process. This technology is accurate and saves time, making it easier for roofers to give you an accurate quote. The measurements taken with this type of equipment are used to measure your roof’s slope, pitch and rise.

So technology can be used on any size of home or business building–from small homes to large commercial structures–and provides measurements down to 1/8 inch per foot (or 1 mm per meter).

Measuring your roof by hand will take time.

Significantly measuring your roof by hand will take time. It’s better to use a laser measuring device, which can save you money and time. 

 Surely laser measuring devices also works well in any weather conditions, so you don’t have to worry about rain or snow interfering with its accuracy!

Measuring by hand requires a ladder and safety equipment.

While you’re measuring by hand, there are some additional safety considerations to keep in mind.

A roofing contractor needs to know the slope, pitch, and rise of your roof in order to get an accurate price.

When you meet with a roofing contractor, they’ll need to know the slope, pitch and rise of your roof. These terms describe how steep your roof is compared to horizontal planes (the ground) at different points along its surface.

Therefore the pitch is defined by how high or low an individual section of shingle or tile sits compared with others around it; this also determines how much water will run off in heavy rainstorms since it affects drainage patterns through gutters/downspouts.

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Slope is how the grade of your roof changes (becomes steeper or shallower).

We know the slope is how the grade of your roof changes (becomes steeper or shallower). It’s measured in degrees, and generally expressed as a ratio of vertical rise to horizontal run. For example, if you have a 10-foot long section of roof that rises 3 feet at its highest point, then its slope would be 30/12 = 2:1. Slopes are usually expressed as fractions–the higher the number represented by “1,” the steeper your roof will be.

Pitch is the slope of your roof divided into 12 vertical inches.

Pitch is the slope of your roof divided into 12 vertical inches. To measure pitch, use a level and ruler to determine how many inches are between two points on your roof at different distances from each other. 

Here is an example. First if you place a level across your shingles at one foot above ground level and then move it down one foot further along, that’s how many inches there were between those two points.

Last If you’re having trouble eyeballing it all yourself or want something more precise than what can be gotten with just a level (which isn’t always trustworthy), there are tools designed specifically for measuring pitch called “pitching rods.” 

Typically come with both metric and imperial measurements so they’re easier to use than trying to figure out decimal equivalents from fractions.

Rise is the vertical distance from the top to bottom of your roof.

So it is rather important to know the rise of your roof, because it affects how much rainwater will run off your roof. The rise is measured in feet and inches and usually ranges between 6 and 12 feet.

Knowing how your roof works will save you a lot of time and money later on when you need repairs or replacements.

Regardless If you’re a homeowner, it’s important to know how your roof works and what to look for when hiring a contractor. Your roof is the only thing standing between you and the elements. It protects you from rain, snow and sun damage while also keeping out insects that might be harmful to your family members.

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